The Team

Catherine Walker (PhD)

Lead researcher

Catherine Walker (PhD) is a Research Fellow in Human Geography at Newcastle University, exploring how children, youth and key adults in their lives are experiencing and responding to environmental challenges. Catherine’s current research aims to explore meanings of climate justice for young people in different contexts, and the potential for climate justice to galvanise youth-led and intergenerational responses to climate change. Catherine has an interdisciplinary research background, having reached her current position in Geography via Sociology, International Development and Modern Languages. Catherine has taught at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and conducts research in creative ways that enable shared pedagogic moments.

Kevin Ardron (PhD)

Research collaborator

Kevin Ardron (PhD) is an Assistant Professor of Education at Northumbria University, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and a Qualified Teacher (QTS). Before embarking on an academic career, he was a Leading Teacher of Geography, Information Technology and a senior leader in schools in the Northeast of England. He now works in Initial Teacher Education (ITE), and has extensive experience of programme leadership, curriculum development and quality assurance practices in this area. His research interests include Higher Education policy, practice and the student experience; climate justice education, contributions to social policy work and education for death, dying & bereavement.

Anne Marie Kavanagh (PhD)

Research collaborator

Anne Marie Kavanagh (PhD) is Assistant Professor in Ethical and Intercultural Education in the School of Human Development, Dublin City University, Ireland. She teaches and researches in the areas of intercultural education, social justice education, climate justice education, ethical education, and human rights education. She is a member of the steering committee of the DCU Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education (CHRCE) and a member of the DCU Anti-Bullying Centre. In 2021, her first co-edited book (with Prof Fionnuala Waldron & Dr Benjamin Mallon) Teaching for Social Justice and Sustainable Development Across the Primary Curriculum was published by Routledge.

Audrey Bryan (PhD)

Research collaborator

Audrey Bryan (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Sociology in the School of Human Development at Dublin City University’s Institute of Education.  She has published widely in the fields of global citizenship education and climate change education, from a critical perspective. Her scholarship addresses the question of how to teach difficult (ecological) knowledge to learners based in emissions-intensive societies and the associated psycho-affective dimensions of teaching and learning.  She is Section Editor (with Yoko Mochizuki) of the Climate Section of the Springer Handbook of Children and Youth Studies (2024).

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If you would like to take part in the research, or find out more, Catherine would love to hear from you at